RallySport Magazine and MAX Cases wanted to tell the story of the service crew feats at Rally Queensland, and there were two leading candidates that we put to a vote. 

Van Der Wilk and Brumley edged out the team of Ryan Williams and Brad Jones in winning the brand-new tool case. 

The Subaru Impreza WRX that Van Der Wilk and Brumley campaigned suffered setbacks both in the lead-up to and during the event. 

The crew had to overcome pre-event suspension issues that was fixed last minute, and then during the rally, had more to tackle. 

A hard landing over a jump on the Kandanga stage destroyed a control arm, forcing them to limp back to service for their initial fix. 

Karl (in the cast) was a huge part of getting the team back out on the stages.

Then, on the final stage of Saturday, upon arriving at the time control, they were informed that their car was on fire. 

This was caused by a cracked turbo feed pipe, and with the engine losing oil, they were lucky to make it to the end of the day without damaging the engine. 

A post-midnight finish for the crew and the generosity of a fellow competitor meant they were able to continue on Sunday and get to the end of the rally. 

RallySport Magazine congratulates Michelle and Kass for their efforts during the event and thanks MAX Cases Australia for their support of our Special Stage Rally Podcast. 

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