The recent control tyre survey circulated by Rallycorp received a total of 132 responses, the results of which are listed below. From these it is obvious that most of the respondents were in favour of a control tyre being introduced at ARC level.
The responses were as follows from the 132 individuals who took part in the survey.
Q: What are your feelings on the following aspects if a control tyre was to be introduced into the NEC ARC?
54 said it would be a good thing for the ARC if it were just for registered ARC competitors.
40 said it would be a good thing for the ARC if it was for all those in the ARC part of the event but not those in the state or piggyback part of the event.
73 said it would be a good thing for the ARC if it provided a level playing field for all ARC competitors.
80 said it would be a good thing for the ARC if it provided a level playing field for all ARC competitors at a tyre price less than the normal retail price.
85 said it would be a good thing for the ARC if it meant that a tyre manufacturer or supplier decided to invest in promoting the sport and the ARC.
Q: If you own a rally car but are not an ARC competitor (someone who has done the ARC part of an event in any of the past 3 years) would a reasonably priced reliable control tyre:
a: be something you think would help provide a more level playing field?
Yes 34
b: be something you think would assist you to compete in an ARC?
Yes 22
c: Be something that could lose you an existing tyre sponsor and hence prevent you competing in an ARC event?
No 21
d: Be something that you think would encourage a tyre manufacturer to further support rallying?
Yes 25
Q: Assuming a reasonably priced control tyre was introduced to the NEC ARC, it should:
a: At least be compulsory for the ARC registered drivers  Â
84 strongly agree
b: Be compulsory for all those in the ARC part of the ARC event
60 strongly agree
c: Be compulsory for all competitors in the event including state competitors in the piggyback event
72 strongly disagree
d: Be optional for the state competitors in the piggyback event
51 strongly agree
Q: If a control tyre was to be introduced to the NEC ARC, what is your opinion on the following:
a: It would be good to have a major tyre company heavily involved in rallying in Australia
80 strongly agree
b: Competitors could use control tyre but still have signage on their cars for an opposition brand
67 strongly agree
c: The tyre supplier must attend each ARC event and provide a fitting and technical service to all competitors
115 strongly agree
d: Used control tyres should be offered to State and lower level competitors
97 strongly agree
e: New control tyres should be offered to all levels of rally competitors at discounted prices
99 strongly agree
f: Provided reliability was assured, it would not be that important to have the highest performance tyre as the control tyre
55 strongly agree
A decision on whether a control tyre will be introduced into the 2008 Australian Rally Championship will be made at a later date.