Rally co-drivers will be excited to read of the launch of a brand new iPad app that could change the way you prepare your pace notes forever.

The new RallyNav app has been developed by Australian company, Subarashi, and our first look at it has been impressive.

The app, which is available from the iTunes store, allows you to prepare your pace notes on the iPad, with a whole range of symbols and descriptions to choose from.

Some co-drivers may still write their notes by hand during recce and then produce the iPad version later, while others may go fully electronic. Not only will this allow co-drivers to have all their pace notes (from ALL events), literally, at the push of a button, but it will eliminate the need to carry multiple books of notes to events.

According to the App’s designer, Sascha Voevodin, RallyNav is already proving to be a success on events.

“Ivan Voevodin, my brother and co-designer of the app, used it in a rally in Hirstglen in February and came second outright. Not bad considering it was a beta version, he is a rally driver and not a navigator, and it was the first time he had been paired with that driver.

“It was also used by Pip Bennett, navigating for Rob Bishop at Rally Queensland in May - where they took out first place in their divisions. Pip said he bought the iPad specifically to use the app and had practically no experience with using an iPad before doing the recce.

“He said it was initially slow getting used to the touch screen and learning where things were, but by the end of the day he was as quick, if not quicker, entering the pacenotes with RallyNav than if he wrote them on paper.”

Subarashi are currently working on some video tutorials to add to their website, making it easier for new users to get the concepts of custom calls and how the button palettes work.

While the RallySport Mag team are yet to use the new app at an event, we’ve played around with it in the office and we’re very impressed. It is very easy to use, and inclusions such as being able to add co-ordinates for stage start and finish locations really make it a powerful tool.

At $199.99 the app is not cheap, but it won’t take long for it to pay for itself with the raft of features, and the saving of not having to buy (and carry) pace note books, etc.

We can see the app really taking off – both in Australia and overseas – and wish the team at Subarashi every success with it.



RallyNav is the evolution of rally. It is the perfect companion for rally navigators/co-drivers and revolutionises the way pace notes are taken and used in rallies.

Use RallyNav to:
•    CREATE a rally and the individual stages of that rally
•    EDIT the pace notes for each stage
•    RACE using notes directly from the app OR print them in an easy-to-read format. Note: Pace notes made with RallyNav are not handwritten; ensuring consistent, legible pace notes!

•    Record race times (when using Race Mode)
•    Adjust the Race Timer to match the official Race Clock – avoid timing penalties!
•    Instantly change display from Degree-Direction to Direction-Degree without re-writing notes, e.g. change all R6 (right 6) calls to 6R
•    Choose alternative turning scales – 1-6 or anything up to 1-10 with modifiers (+ and – etc.)
•    Transcribe handwritten pace notes into digital form for easy distribution

No more pencils, paper or erasers! And definitely no need for a stylus! By assigning calls to buttons, RallyNav makes it quick and easy to record accurate pace notes as the driver calls them out. It is fully customisable – CREATE YOUR OWN CALLS and assign them to a custom palette of buttons created to match individual drivers and different rally types.

Field tests have shown that writing pace notes with RallyNav during reconnaissance (recce/recon) more than halves the time it normally takes. There is less stopping to “catch up” and once the notes are recorded they are ready for use – no need to re-write them into a pace noting book and you can edit them directly in the app on subsequent runs.

Simply print pace notes wirelessly from RallyNav or jump into Race Mode and use them directly from the iPad!

No more:
•    Expensive pace noting books
•    Turning pages (when using Race Mode)
•    Legibility problems – no ambiguous calls, e.g. “did I write a 1 or a 7?”
•    Time consuming writing, erasing and re-writing by hand – RallyNav supports call replace, inserting and deleting with easy grouping options (highlighting, brackets, underline, etc.)


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