On the calendar for July 20, the event will be based in Moyhu and provide the 30 competitors with just over 50 competitive kilometres.

Competitors from Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia are all represented by entries in the event.

“Based on feedback we were getting in the rally community, we expected a solid field, however, to sell out in just a day is remarkable,” event director Luke Whitten said.

“The North Eastern Car Club has a strong history in rallying and the committee is working hard to ensure this event is just as successful as events in the past.

“As the event gets closer, more information will be provided on the event’s title sponsor, Xeno CAD Innovations, and on the top cars and drivers who will be making the trek to Moyhu.” 

Competitors who have successfully entered the rally will be notified shortly, while those on the reserves list will also be notified.

The Xeno North Eastern Rallysprint will cover eight special stages in the Moyhu Forest, just south of Wangaratta.

Service will take place at the Moyhu Recreation Reserve, with the Moyhu Football Netball Club playing host.

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