At the end of event Celebration Dinner, well known real estate agent Hank Petrusma successfully auctioned five items. These included a replica of the last Targa plate used by Peter Brock and the first ever single digit plate issued in Tasmania. The single digit plate alone fetched $81,000.
Foundation Executive Director Tony Reidy said the money raised will enable the Foundation to fund an entire research fellowship position for a year and will continue to build Tasmania’s vital medical research facilities.
Targa Tasmania Event Director, Mark Perry, was thrilled the fund raising had worked so well.
“We are delighted with this level of support and it is another example of how Targa Tasmania is so much more than motorsport with its benefits positively affecting thousands of Tasmanians every year,” Perry said.
“Our competitors receive expert care when required so assisting in this fundraising initiative is our way of thanking everyone in the Tasmanian health system for their support”.
“In combining with Tasplates, we are able to make a difference to the lives of many Tasmanians and it helps to offset any inconvenience the event may cause to some parts of the community for one week a year.”
Tasplates Marketing Manager Tim McNeilage who supplied the auction plates and who also supplies the Targa competition plates each year was excited at the success of the auction.
“Through our long standing relationship with Targa Tasmania we were able to provide some highly valued plates to auction this year for a great cause. There is no greater cause then research, which will not only save lives in the short term but will also save many lives in the future as cures are found from this research”.
“It is a sound investment in all our futures.”
Targa Tasmania and Tasplates have now raised over $160,000 in the last year for the Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation for which the benefits will be felt for many years to come.