Warm weather meant virtually no snow, and my unique Scandinavian winter rally experience would have to wait for another year .... perhaps.
Then, as our holiday drew to a close, news of a new worldwide pandemic took hold, and we all know how that turned out.
Cancellations followed – both individual rallies and whole championships – and it left us wondering when it would all end?
Yet, through it all, rallying has proved that it is a survivor. While events may not have been run, there was certainly no shortage of passion from its competitors and fans.
As a result, we at RallySport Magazine felt the need to continue to provide as much rally news as we could – which wasn't always easy, given the lack of competition.
But we believe we did exactly that, and in 2020 we have published over 1100 articles.
It's a number we're extremely proud of, especially as we are a VERY small team.
New beginnings for RallySport Magazine
During this year we also embarked on the the lengthy process of developing a brand new website, with the help of the team at R6 Digital in Brisbane.
Months of planning and preparation went into it, and the results have been pleasing, with plenty of positive feedback from you, the reader.
Looking ahead, we're all hoping for a more stable 2021, when events happen as they are calendared, and when we can travel freely between states – if not countries.
Time to rest up for a big 2021
For now though, it's time for a few days off over the Christmas and New Year period, to put our feet up and reflect on the year that's just passed.
I thank you sincerely for your support and patronage over the past 12 months. It's been humbling in many ways.
We have some big plans for the 2021 rally season and hope that you'll continue your support of RallySport Magazine moving forward.
If you're not a subscriber, we encourage you to sign up and help us to produce even more rallying coverage in the coming months.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. See you in 2021.
– Peter Whitten, Managing Editor