Michael Long is just 22, but he has high hopes of progressing a long way up the rallying ladder.

Long already has a factory drive under his belt, and could be set for big things in rallying.

Name: Michael Long

Age: 22

How long have you been involved in rallying?
2-5 years

What was your first event?
2003 AMSAG Bathurst Rally

What was your first car?  
Datsun 1200 coupe

What is your current car?
Datsun 1200 coupe

Driver or Navigator? Driver

How did you get started in rallying?
Joined Hills District Car Club with my dad at the age of 14, after driving around in the paddock at home from the age of 12. Competed in motorkhanas and khanacross and always aimed to start doing rallies once I was old enough and could afford it.

What are you best results so far?
- 9th outright, 1st P2 in 2006 Starmart Rally in Canberra driving Mazda 2 for Mazda Australia
- 13th outright, 1st class A, 2003 AMSAG Bathurst Rally (1st rally)
- 5th outright 2005 AMSAG Oberon Rally
- 14th outright 2005 Bathurst State rally
- 7th outright 2004 Dell Classic Stages Rally

What is your favourite rally?
AMSAG Bathurst Rally. Relaxed friendly atmosphere, two days, good mix of roads, usually over 200km competitive!

What’s the biggest crash you’ve had?
Rally of Manning Valley 2005. Bounced off a gutter, ran up a bank the rolled 4-5 times down the road.

What are your aims in rallying?
To be World Champion...! Get a works or sponsored drive. Win State or Australian Championship.

Who are your sponsors?
Tyres Cheap Windsor, Knight's Lawnmowing Service, Total Print Control, Kumho Tyres

Who do you admire most in Australian rallying?
Simon and Sue Evans. Aggressive and spectacular driving, years of pushing hard with limited funds, driving as a privateer and putting everything, financially, mentally and physically into rallying. Then getting the works drive.



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