Retrospective: the big trek of 2000
- 16th May 2024, 9:12am
by Neil Blackbourn
I am in the vehicle with Rob Herridge. We are travelling down the road, the driving lights picking out each feature of the road and beside the road in detail. We are travelling at … 95km/h!
We are starting the long haul across Australia in one of the craziest few days of my life. We are in Herridge's truck with Dean Herridge's Subaru Impreza WRX on the back, along with all the spares. On the trailer behind is another rally car making the trip to the Rally of Melbourne. We're fully loaded!
The road from Norseman in Western Australia to Balladonia is only the start, we still have over 3000km to go until we see Melbourne! Melbourne? Well, we are crossing the Nullabor, and being an ex-Sydney boy, this is the first time for me.